March 9–11, 2007
Organized by Chris Cree
$3,000 $4,000 guaranteed first-place prize money!
Addison Conference Centre
15650 Addison Road
Addison, TX 75001
Live coverage begins Friday March 9, 2007.
Local players can also use the site's free wireless access to
view all tsh wall charts.
- Officially sanctioned and rated by the National SCRABBLE® Association
- One open division, Modified Swiss format
- 22 rounds (8 Friday, 8 Saturday, 6 Sunday; starting at 9 A.M. each day)
- Main Prize Fund (GUARANTEED):
1st place: $4,000
2nd place: $2,000
3rd place: $1,000 (and of course, an Uncle Wiggily game)
4th place: $750
5th place: $500
6th place: $350
- Class prizes. For (approximately equal-sized) groups of players rated below 1750:
1st place, Group A: $300
1st place, Group B: $250
1st place, Group C: $200
1st place, Group D: $150
1st place, Group E: $100
- High "TX" word prize: $100 (Generously donated by Larry Rand)
- Directed by Bryan Pepper; assisted by Mary Rhoades, John Chew III, and Sherrie Saint John.
Game annotators Dee Segrest and Kate Watson.
All of these hotels have shuttle service to and from the site and have stated that they have rooms
blocked starting at $69/night -- mention SCRABBLE®. Note: these hotels do not have airport shuttles;
please plan rides to/from the airport (taxi/commercial shuttle/rental car/etc.)
- Holiday Inn - 972-490-1212 - closest to venue, but all are close by.
- Hampton Inn - 972-991-2800
- Holiday Inn Express - 972-503-7800
- SpringHill Suites - 972-774-1010
- Entry fee: $100
- Entries limited to the first 250 entrants (must be a current NSA member)
- Current list of entrants
- Entry fee must be received by Monday, March 5, 2007
- Click here for entry form and tournament flyer
- Mail entries to:
Chris Cree
3708 Bryn Mawr Dr.
Dallas TX 75225