2010 European Open Scrabble Championship: May 8-11, Sliema, Malta

May 8–11, 2010

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EOSC 2010: Nigel Richards [#1]

[ Congratulations to Nigel Richards, declared winner of Division A with three rounds left to play, and to Jayne MacKenzie, declared winner of Division B with five rounds left to play. The tournament and coverage are now over for this year. Please send any corrections or additions to John Chew at jjchew@math.utoronto.ca. ]

On this page, you will find information about Nigel Richards, who is competing at the 2010 European Open Scrabble Championship. This page was updated at least hourly between 09:00 A.M. and midnight local time. This player currently has a record of 27-5, +4106, and is ranked #1 in Division 1.

Lower on this page, you can find brief self-reported biographical details of the player, statistics on the player’s past several years of rated tournament play in North America, a graphic showing the player’s ups and downs at this tournament, and a round-by-round report on the player’s opponents and games.

Background Information

[photo of Nigel Richards]

Given name(s): Nigel
Surname(s): Richards
Home: Kuala Lumpur, MYS
Awards: 1997 NZ NSC; 1999 NZ Masters; 2007 WSC
2010 European Open Scrabble Championship Team: Malaysia

Round by Round

High score: 589
Average for: 492
Average against: 356

Round 1

[no photo available]


Richards played #26 Kevin Synnott (Eng) and won 484 to 316 (a spread of 168).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 1-0, +168.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (12 hits).

Round 2

[no photo available]


Richards played #15 Raymond Tate (Sco) and won 520 to 250 (a spread of 270).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 2-0, +438.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (12 hits).

Round 3

[no photo available]


Richards played #21 Evelyn Wallace (Eng) and won 500 to 286 (a spread of 214).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 3-0, +652.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (8 hits).

Round 4

[photo of Joanne Craig]


Richards played #9 Joanne Craig (AUS) and won 578 to 313 (a spread of 265).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 4-0, +917.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (8 hits).

Round 5

[photo of Helen Gipson]


Richards played #3 Helen Gipson (Sco) and lost 423 to 431 (a spread of -8).

Current ranking: #2.

Current record: 4-1, +909.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Round 6

[photo of Terry Kirk]


Richards played #8 Terry Kirk (Eng) and won 555 to 299 (a spread of 256).

Current ranking: #2.

Current record: 5-1, +1165.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (2 hits).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (4 hits).

Round 7

[no photo available]


Richards played #11 Jackie McLeod (Eng) and lost 398 to 466 (a spread of -68).

Current ranking: #3.

Current record: 5-2, +1097.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (4 hits).

Round 8

[no photo available]


Richards played #18 Simon Gillam (Sco) and won 475 to 357 (a spread of 118).

Current ranking: #2.

Current record: 6-2, +1215.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (4 hits).

Round 9

[photo of Theresa Brousson]


Richards played #6 Theresa Brousson (MLT) and won 487 to 391 (a spread of 96).

Current ranking: #2.

Current record: 7-2, +1311.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (4 hits).

Round 10

[photo of Sam Kantimathi]

United States

Richards played #7 Sam Kantimathi (USA) and won 589 to 211 (a spread of 378).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 8-2, +1689.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (4 hits).

Round 11

[no photo available]


Richards played #17 Vincent Boyle (Sco) and won 571 to 313 (a spread of 258).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 9-2, +1947.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (8 hits).

Round 12

[no photo available]


Richards played #25 Nicky Vella-Laurenti (MLT) and won 548 to 257 (a spread of 291).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 10-2, +2238.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (4 hits).

Round 13

[photo of David Webb]


Richards played #4 David Webb (Eng) and lost 365 to 437 (a spread of -72).

Current ranking: #2.

Current record: 10-3, +2166.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (16 hits).

Round 14

[photo of Jojo Delia]


Richards played #12 Jojo Delia (MLT) and won 503 to 369 (a spread of 134).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 11-3, +2300.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (2 hits).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (8 hits).

Round 15

[no photo available]


Richards played #17 Vincent Boyle (Sco) again and won 513 to 385 (a spread of 128).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 12-3, +2428.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (4 hits).

Round 16

[photo of Helen Gipson]


Richards played #3 Helen Gipson (Sco) again and won 574 to 398 (a spread of 176).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 13-3, +2604.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (8 hits).

Round 17

[photo of Joanne Craig]


Richards played #9 Joanne Craig (AUS) again and won 503 to 368 (a spread of 135).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 14-3, +2739.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (8 hits).

Round 18

[photo of Craig Beevers]


Richards played #2 Craig Beevers (Eng) and won 547 to 312 (a spread of 235).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 15-3, +2974.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (8 hits).

Round 19

[photo of David Delicata]


Richards played #14 David Delicata (MLT) and won 566 to 378 (a spread of 188).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 16-3, +3162.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (8 hits).

Round 20

[photo of Harshan Lamabadusuriya]


Richards played #5 Harshan Lamabadusuriya (Eng) and lost 379 to 426 (a spread of -47).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 16-4, +3115.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (8 hits).

Round 21

[photo of David Webb]


Richards played #4 David Webb (Eng) again and won 381 to 362 (a spread of 19).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 17-4, +3134.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (8 hits).

Round 22

[photo of Terry Kirk]


Richards played #8 Terry Kirk (Eng) again and won 448 to 417 (a spread of 31).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 18-4, +3165.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (8 hits).

Round 23

[no photo available]


Richards played #11 Jackie McLeod (Eng) again and won 478 to 352 (a spread of 126).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 19-4, +3291.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (8 hits).

Round 24

[no photo available]


Richards played #18 Simon Gillam (Sco) again and won 533 to 379 (a spread of 154).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 20-4, +3445.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (8 hits).

Round 25

[photo of Dan Sandu]


Richards played #19 Dan Sandu (ROM) and won 479 to 333 (a spread of 146).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 21-4, +3591.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (8 hits).

Round 26

[photo of Jojo Delia]


Richards played #12 Jojo Delia (MLT) again and won 443 to 349 (a spread of 94).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 22-4, +3685.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (8 hits).

Round 27

[photo of Harshan Lamabadusuriya]


Richards played #5 Harshan Lamabadusuriya (Eng) again and lost 373 to 509 (a spread of -136).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 22-5, +3549.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (8 hits).

Round 28

[photo of Helen Gipson]


Richards played #3 Helen Gipson (Sco) for the third time and won 501 to 317 (a spread of 184).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 23-5, +3733.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (8 hits).

Round 29

[photo of Helen Gipson]


Richards played #3 Helen Gipson (Sco) for the fourth time and won 556 to 333 (a spread of 223).

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 24-5, +3956.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (8 hits).

Round 30   

Richards recorded a bye with a spread of 50 points.

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 25-5, +4006.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Round 31   

Richards recorded a bye with a spread of 50 points.

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 26-5, +4056.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (1 hit).

Round 32   

Richards recorded a bye with a spread of 50 points.

Current ranking: #1.

Current record: 27-5, +4106.

Richards is mentioned in this round’s commentary (2 hits).

After the Tournament   

Richards is mentioned in this round’s photo captions (4 hits).

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