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Toronto School SCRABBLE Championship
March 9, 2010

Total Scores

11330Alex and Jackson (Jack Miner) (SR1)
21122Tara and Derek (Jack Miner) (SR15)
3887Nikola and Cameron (Swansea) (SR12)
4847Nathan and Geoff (Winona) (SR11)
5843Iain and Gabriel (Palmerston) (SR22)
6813Tristan and Joey (Jack Miner) (SR17)
7763Wyeth and Daisy (Palmerston) (SR36)
8756Kishan and Connor (Bessborough) (SR8)
9729Dashiel and Leo (Chester) (SR20)
10698Kathleen and Zoe (Palmerston) (SR26)
11694Emmalyn and Emily (Bessborough) (SR4)
12671Karen and Bretton (Windfields) (SR5)
13670Kia and Kathryn (Chine Drive) (SR7)
14667Mike and Heng Cheng (Ogden) (SR31)
15666Merve and Peyton (Swansea) (SR10)
16628Julia and Grace (Rolph Road) (SR25)
17625Swarani and Lamisa (Dewson) (SR35)
18614Staree and Koushi (Winchester) (SR14)
19603Jennifer and Claire (Rolph Road) (SR24)
20597Mandy and Tarik (Winona) (SR9)

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