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Posting Recorded Scrabble Games

This web site has hosted recorded tournament Scrabble games since 2003. If you are interested in posting your tournament's games here, please contact John Chew at

There are three different ways in which games can reach this site.

  Live Semi-Live Delayed
Staff required per game 1–5 1–3 1–2
Computers required per game 1–4 0–1 0
Internet connection At playing table At event venue Somewhere
Concept Game recorders record each rack and play on a form, then (optionally pass it to a second person to) use laptops to enter the data into a special annotation server which posts it to the website immediately. One overall game editor recommended per event. Game recorders record each rack and play on a form, then relay the information (usually on little slips of paper carried by runners) to a data entry person who enters the moves into a CGI-based game editor. Game recorders (or possibly the players themselves) prepare a complete record of a game which is entered into Quackle and saved as a .gcg file for upload to the website.
Further Information Instructions for posting recorded Scrabble games live Instructions for posting recorded Scrabble games semi-live Instructions for posting recorded Scrabble games with delay

See also the following resources:


Because many game-related pages are dynamically generated and purged when stale, you should be careful when offering links to pages. In general, links to specific turns should include the word “postgcg” and not end in “.html”. You may have to go to the preceding turn and right- or control-click a link to get the right web address. The main page for each game (the one that gives the “Play Game” link) is always safe to give out.